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Kumon of Naperville South

Kumon Naperville South

2744 Forgue Drive,Naperville, IL-60564
(630) 926-8538
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Service Details
Subjects Offered:
English, Math, Reading
For Grade Level:
PreK - KG, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th
Tutoring Location:
Provider Center
Parking Avaiability:
Parking Lot
Web Link
Service Description
The Kumon Method is designed to improve confidence, study habits, discipline, and their problem solving and critical thinking skills which are so important in life. It enables them to master concepts each step of the way as they progress through the curriculum. From our earliest exercises, Kumon sets the stage for further achievement. A girl completing sentences develops critical reasoning. A boy adding negative numbers prepares for the rigors of algebra. They are building comprehension and computational skills that arm them for the challenges ahead. And they're paving the way for advanced study - which is exactly where Kumon leads them. DataSource:
Business Hours
Closed 3:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Closed Closed Closed 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

About Us

The Kumon Method is designed to improve confidence, study habits, discipline, and their problem solving and critical thinking skills which are so important in life. It enables them to master concepts each step of the way as they progress through the curriculum. From our earliest exercises, Kumon sets the stage for further achievement. A girl completing sentences develops critical reasoning. A boy adding negative numbers prepares for the rigors of algebra. They are building comprehension and computational skills that arm them for the challenges ahead. And they''re paving the way for advanced study - which is exactly where Kumon leads them.

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