Special Needs Child Care in Illinois

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  • Nanette.C

    Diagnosis : Therapy and Evaluations Speech
    For Age Level : 1-6 Months, 7-11 Months, 1yr, 2yr, 3yr, 4yr, 5yr, 6yr, 7yr, 8yr, 9yr, 10yr, 11yr, 12yr, 12+Yrs
    Other Services : Feeding Assistance
    Experience : 16-20 Years
    Provider Gender : (Female)
    Education : Masters
    Location : Provider Home
    After having worked in early intervention, elementary, and middle school settings, I transitioned to private practice in an effort to incorporate caregivers into my treatment sessions. It has been my experience that this collaboration achieves noteworthy progress among my clients. You will find t More>>